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Dr.Prof 2010.01.24. 16:59

DescriptionChinchillas are crepuscular rodents, slighty larger than ground squirells, native to the Andes mountains in South America. They fur are usually grey, but there is black, and white chinchillas.

The Chinchillas are named after the people of Andes.By the end of the 19th century, chinchillas had become quite rare due to hunting for their fur. Most chinchillas currently used by the fur industry for clothing and other accessories are farm-raised.

Pet or Beast: Pet. It's a very friendly animal. But it's need a lot of care.

Live in the house: Before you buy a Chinchilla you most know this things:

1. the Chichilla need a lot of care from you or need another Chinchilla, who plays with him/her.

2. the Chinchillas are live in a mountain, so the are most have a big space.

3. if they are afraid you have to calm them, because if you don't calm them, they will take off their fur.


Címkék: animals rodents mammals chinchilla

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