This year Pécs is one of the towns what are The European Capital of Culture. There will be a lots of events, festivals, activities, exhibitions and programms all summer. Pécs has got a web page where you can watch everything you want to know. Web page is :
Pécs The European Capital of Culture
2010.05.19. 09:45
Címkék: pécs zalán the european capital of culture this summer
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Bob the builder
2010.04.14. 09:59
Bob the builder is a British cartoon character created by
Keith Chapman. Bob appears as an building contractor with his colleague Wendy, various neighbours and friends. It's played in many countries but it originates from the United Kingdom.
Here is the theme song:
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House Mouse
2010.04.14. 09:56
Origin:You can find it all of the World.
Description: Its a little, 8-1.1 cm, black or grey rodent, with big ears, and long, naked tail. But now the terrarists, breed the albino type.
Life in the terrarium: It mostly very short. Because in among terrarists, its a food. You give it to a reptile, or a tarantula, or a toad, or something else. But there are people, who buy it as food, they are buy it as a pet. If you buy it as a pet, you most buy a terrarium, or a cage. It shold be about 40*50*50. I think its big, so your mouse/mice will have enough space. You have to clean the terrarium, one time a week, To the floor you should take sliver or hay.
Feeding and watering: For watering, a balldrinker is the best. The mouse eat everthing, but the vegetables, and the fruits are the bests.
Címkék: animals house mouse
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The Buda Castle Quarter - Glossary
2010.04.14. 09:31
The Buda Castle Quarter - Budai Vár Negyed
UNESCO World Heritage List - UNESCO Világörökségi Listája
consist of - része stb.
Royal Palace - Királyi Palota
Hungarian National Gallery - Magyar Nemzeti Múzeum
Címkék: zalán glossary the buda castle quarter
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The Buda Castle Quarter
2010.04.14. 09:25
The Buda Castle Quarter is on UNESCO World Heritage List, because it has got a special location and fantastic bulidings. The Buda Castle Quarter is consisted of the old and beautiful living area. You should walk aroud and look the building from the XIV-XVIII century. The other consist of the Buda Castle Quarter is the Royal Palace. In this place you can find the Hungarian National Gallery with lots of fantastic painting and statues. There is a beautiful wiev from the Royal Palace.
Címkék: hungary zalán the buda castle quarter
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The acoustic bass guitar
2010.03.31. 09:54
It's suggest the standard acoustic guitar, but the bass is major, and the neck is longer. This instrument have began evolved since 1970. Short for: ABG. Most often the ABG's sound principally suggest the doublebass. Usually it use for playing in a guitar quartett, but it can use for solo performing.
The standard tuning is the standard guitar's low strings: EADG
Often it has 5 string. It's tunung: BEADG
6 string: BEADGC Here is the range of vice is spread lower and higher.
There are lots of strings bass guitars. It has 7,8,9,10,11,12 strings. Theese usually electric basses.
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Tarantulas: monsters or pets?
2010.03.31. 09:52
Origin: In all tropical places, mostly in the american tropical forests.
Description: Its 6-9,5 cm long, its foot span can be 26 cm, and it is generally 85 gramm. It has hair on its body, and its usually brown, or black.
Lifestyle: The tarantulas are lonely animals. They are lives 10-20 year. They are very clean animals
Monster or Pets?: I think monsters, but anyone who haves, a tarantula, says, that its a cute pet. Its don't bite you, if you don't hurt it.
Life in the terrarium: The tarantulas need 25-30 liter terrarium. The humidity must be on 70-80%. They need peat on the floor.
Feeding: They can eat everything, whats moving. But there is a rule. The food is mustnt as big as the tarantula's belly.
What do you think it is a monster or a pet?
Címkék: animals terrarium tarantulas
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The winter has returned to Great-Britain
2010.03.31. 09:47
There was snowing in England and Scotland on 30th March. In Scotland somewhere temeprature was under -5 degree. The meterologists say will snow today too. It was maybe the hardest winter of Britain...
You can read more information on that site:
Címkék: snow zalán winter great briatin
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Savannah monitor
2010.03.28. 16:36
Latin name: Varanus exanthematicus
Origin: Sahara, Africa.
Description: It grows about 100-150 cm. It has stout body, wide head, and tapering tail. Don't do sudden movements, because the monitor will be respond it agressively. When its nervous, its bite, or aimk,and strikes with its tail, not even a little.
Life in the terrarium: In Hungary, the savannah monitor, is a widespread terrarium animal, because it is aslow,big and a faithful animal. It needs 200cm*100cm*70-60cm terrarium. because it must have a big living space. It eats, meat, mice, mantis, grig,egg, and vitamins.
My opinion: I 'm going to buy it after Easter, so i think, that its the second-best reptile, of home keeping, because, its a likeable animal, but it needs too much space.
Next time i will write of the best home keeping reptile.
Címkék: animals lizards terrarium reptiles savannah monitor
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Pixar-Geri's Game--Glossary
2010.03.24. 09:55
still- képkocka
cartoon- rajzfilm
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2010.03.24. 09:36
montainous - hegyes (hegyekkel borított)
independence - függetlenség
to devastate - pusztítani
resource - nyersanyag
aid - segély
substantially - jelentősen
Tajikistan is a montainous landlocked country in Central Asia.
Tajikistan has a population of 7.3 million; the official language is tajik.
Mountains cover over 90% of the country's territory.
The country was part of the Samanid Empire and the USSR. After independence, a civil war devastated for 5 years. Due to the civil war, the country was the poorest country in Middle Asia in the 1990s.
Cotton & aluminium are the main exported products/resources.
In 2001, the Red Cross announced that a famine was striking Tajikistan, and called for international aid. Since then, the economy has grown substantially.
Címkék: szcsb tajikistan
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Words of Oud and Paco de Lucía
2010.03.06. 23:44
flamenco - flamenko (spanyol eredtű zenei irányzat)
performance - fellépés, előadás
competition - verseny
in near future - közeljövőben
culture - kultúra
pear-shaped - körte alakú
old-fashioned - idejétmúlt, ódivatú, régimódi
our time - napjainkban
sound hole - hanglyuk
bounds - érintők, fogólapok
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2010.03.06. 23:34
The oud, or arabian lute is a string instrument. The oud is pear-shaped. It's one the most important instrument of the arab culture. The lute had evolved from oud. This instrument it made of wood. The old-fashioned oud it had 4 pairs strings. In our time it has 5 pairs strings, but sometimes it has got a 6. string (This string just only). Oud hasn’t got bounds. Usually it has One bigger and two smaller sound hole.
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2010.03.03. 20:08
Címkék: zalán glossary st moritz
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2010.03.01. 18:45
roughly - nagyjából
Gross National Income - állami bevétel
labour - munka
labour force - munkaerő
human rights - emberi jogok
violation - megsértés
Uzbekistan is a landlocked country in Central Asia.
The country was part of the Russian Empire (1721-1917) (Although its formation was in 1747), and the Soviet Union (1922-1991).
Its capital is Tashkent. It is Central Asia's most populous country, with roughly 27 million residents.
It is a very poor country (according to surveys), only two countries in Middle Asia have lower Gross National Income than Uzbekistan.
Uzbekistan is an agricultural country, agriculture employs 28% of the country's labour force. The world's second largest cotton-exporter is Uzbekistan.
Mining is a large labour factor, they mine gold, uranium, coal, and natural gas.
Violations of human rights are common in Uzbekistan, as well as the use of child labour.
Borat hates Uzbekistan.
Címkék: szcsb uzbekistan
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Paco de Lucía
2010.02.27. 14:50
He is an international flamenco gitar artist. He was born in 1947. in Spain, in a 5 children family. He's father was a flamenco guitarist. He's first performance it was in 1958. One year later he has won a flamenco competition. He's the master of the spanish guitar. He plays flamenco, jazz, classical-, and world music. In near future he going to performing a concert in Hungary.
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My favorite... skiing place - St. Moritz -
2010.02.09. 19:46
About St. Moritz:
This skiing area is located in Switzerland in Engadine shire. It's a very lovely and unique village by the lake which is always freeze in winter. This village has got an absolutly intimate walking street with a lots of luxury boutique and romatic restaurants. But here everything is very expensive, the shops, the restaurants, the hotels and so on.
I have been there since 2 years. We stayed in an appartement that was not too expensive like hotels in this territory. From our balcony we could see the lake and the very high pikes. I really enjoyed this holiday beacause of the weather (In this district the sun shines about 325 day in a year) and the quality of pistes and all others. On the mornings there were a lot of people at the bottom of the lifts but when we arrived at the top and started skiing there were nearly nobody on the tracks. There was the best quality of the pistes I have ever been. One day we went to sled to a very special sled track. It was very long and amazing we really enjoyed it, maybe more than skiing becasue we don't usually sled this piste like this. So I want to go back this fantastic ski paradise.
There is about 350km of pistes within 3 separete but close ski area. And this ski comlex has a very high top (you can go there by lift, of ourse) it's about 3300m and there is a very nice view from the top. You look it at these links: and
Címkék: zalán switzerland st moritz skiing
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Top 10 words (guitar)
2010.02.06. 11:21
strings - húrok
headstock - fej
fret, bounds - érintők
rosette - rozetta (díszítő karika)
tuning - hangolás
to evolve - kifejlődni
principally - legfőképpen
to develope - kialakulni
source - eredet, forrás
Ibanez - gitármárka, mint a Jacksnon, Cort, Ramirez, stb.
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2010.02.06. 10:43
low-cost airline - fapados légitársaság
low-budget airline - fapados légitársaság
instead of - valami helyett
run out of business - csődbe megy
fuel up - tankolni
reasons - lehetőségek
as well - szintén
Címkék: zalán glossary
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Why travel by low-cost airlines?
2010.02.04. 09:40
There are so many reasons. I always fly with low-cost airlines, because it's cheaper than the normal airlines. We almost always choose these airlines instead of car.
Every continent has got some low-budget airlines. I think the cheapest airlines that you can fly from Hungary is Wizzair. There are other airlines too. For instance Easyjet, Ryanair (it is UK a specialist) and Skyeurope but it ran out of business.
If you choose low-cost airlines to travel, you have to book on the net and if you want ,you can also check-in on the internet. There is just one difference from other services; you don't get food on the board. If you are a small family and want to go somewhere not too far you should choose any of these airlines. Or if you want to go to a more distant destination you should choose low-budget airlines as well.
For example: You want to go to Venice. The plane ticket is about 6.000 Ft without baggage but I think you can pack in a smaller bag which you can bring on the deck and it is free. If you are 4 people the plane ticket is 24.000 Ft and that's the travelling charge. But if you go there by car 1 fuel up costs around 20.000 Ft and you can't drive this trip at this cost... So in a lot of cases the low-cost airline is cheaper than normal airlines or car.
Címkék: travel venice zalán flying low cost airlines
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The classical guitar
2010.02.03. 09:57
The guitar is a string instuments. Mostly it has got 6 string. The standard tunig is: EADGBA
The guitar is a very popular instrument, because whit this it can play lots of music (pop, rock, classic etc.)
The classical guitar, also known as the "nylon string guitar". the classical guitar has evolved principally from three sources: the lute, the vihuela, and the Renaissance guitars.
The Spanish Guitar, or classical guitar developed in 19. century. The strings it made of nylon, but th ,,country", or steel guitar's strings it made of steel. For example Teremy's Ibanez guitar.
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2010.02.03. 09:52
landlocked country - olyan ország aminek nincs tengerpartja
nomadic tribes - nomád törzsek
USSR - Szovjetunió
Human Development Index - életszínvonal
economy - gazdaság
natural power resources - természetes energiahordozók
agriculture - mezőgazdaság
wheat - búza
livestock products - állatokból származó termékek (hús, tej)
Kazakhstan is a landlocked country in the northern middle east.
It is the biggest landlocked and the ninth biggest country in the world.
For most of its history the territory of modern-day Kazakhstan has been inhabited by nomadic tribes.
Kazakhstan has been strongly influenced by Russian culture over the last 200 years - it was part of the Russian Empire, as well as the USSR.
Kazakhstan has approximately 17 million citizens. The official languages are Kazakh and Russian.
The capital city is Astana.
In the USSR's times, the country was used for nuclear weapon testing, mainly because its biggest region (steppe) is unpopulated.
Kazakhstan is a developing country, with a relatively high Human Development Index (compared to other Asian countries), rapidly growing economy, textile industry, and most notably it has very high amounts of accessible natural power resources.
Besides these, Kazakhstan is an agricultural country. Exported agricultural products include wheat, wool, cotton, rice; dairy- and other livestock products.
Borat is from Kazakhstan.
Címkék: kazakhstan szcsb
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Pixar-Geri's game
2010.01.27. 19:54
About the company: This is an animation firm(Pixar Animation Studios) based in Emeryville, California, USA, it has got ten Oscars, four Golden-Globe awards and three Grammys.Pixar started in 1979 after 7 years it was bought by Apple and the Walt Disney Company bought Pixar in 2006.
Pixar has made 10 feature films beginning with
Toy Story in 1995,
A Bug's Life in 1998,
Toy Story 2 in 1999,
Monsters Inc. in 2001,
Finding Nemo in 2003,
The Incredibles in 2004,
Cars in 2006,
Ratatouille in 2007,
WALL-E in 2008,
Up in 2009.
About the film: But this company makes some short films, and several movie started with these animated cartoon. Here is a short film(link) likes these. In this film there is an old man who is playing chess. It's funny :).
so there is the link:
I hope you'll enjoy it.
by Andris