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Eastern Collared Lizard (Crotaphytus collaris)

Dr.Prof 2010.01.20. 21:28

Description:It's a medium-sized up,skinny bodied lizard with a large head.As his name says it has beautiful, gaudy skin.Coloration is usually gray-brown to blue-green with faint, soft-edged, yellow crossbands.Females are duller in color and have orange markings on the sides during the breeding season. It's very fast, it can run with 40km/h. It can run on 2 legs.

Iguana or collaris?: The Collared Lizard, Hungarian name is Painted Iguana. But it's only a misbelief. The iguana,can be 2 metres, but this Collaris only can be 35 cm.

Distribution: It lives in south-,and northeastern Arizona.It lives 1500-8300 metres.

Pet or Beast?: I have an Eastern Collared Lizard. I like this very much. I think it's good to be a pet.If you want a lizard, what you can grab, touch, tap or something else you should buy a crotaphytus collaris.

Life in the terrarium: Before you buy a collaris, you must buy, or find:

1:a terrarium(minimum:70*80*80)

2: reptile sand

3. some cobbles

4: a nest.

5.a filament

6.two little bowl

7.and food ( when the collaris little: little crickets, meal-mite, and waxmoth-grub)

Making the terrarium: First you must take the filament under the half of the terrarium, next you have to pour the sand into the terrarium, it must be on 4-5 cm, and then you put the nest, the cobbles, and the bowls into the terrarium.

Feeding: 30 meal-mite in one week or 15 crickets in the week or 3 waxmoth-grub during the week.


Címkék: animals lizards terrarium reptiles eastern collared lizard

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