Origin:You can find it all of the World.
Description: Its a little, 8-1.1 cm, black or grey rodent, with big ears, and long, naked tail. But now the terrarists, breed the albino type.
Life in the terrarium: It mostly very short. Because in among terrarists, its a food. You give it to a reptile, or a tarantula, or a toad, or something else. But there are people, who buy it as food, they are buy it as a pet. If you buy it as a pet, you most buy a terrarium, or a cage. It shold be about 40*50*50. I think its big, so your mouse/mice will have enough space. You have to clean the terrarium, one time a week, To the floor you should take sliver or hay.
Feeding and watering: For watering, a balldrinker is the best. The mouse eat everthing, but the vegetables, and the fruits are the bests.