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Szcsb 2010.03.01. 18:45



roughly - nagyjából

Gross National Income - állami bevétel

labour - munka

labour force - munkaerő

human rights - emberi jogok

violation - megsértés


Uzbekistan is a landlocked country in Central Asia.

The country was part of the Russian Empire (1721-1917) (Although its formation was in 1747), and the Soviet Union (1922-1991).
Its capital is Tashkent. It is Central Asia's most populous country, with roughly 27 million residents.

It is a very poor country (according to surveys), only two countries in Middle Asia have lower Gross National Income than Uzbekistan.
Uzbekistan is an agricultural country, agriculture employs 28% of the country's labour force. The world's second largest cotton-exporter is Uzbekistan.
Mining is a large labour factor, they mine gold, uranium, coal, and natural gas.

Violations of human rights are common in Uzbekistan, as well as the use of child labour.

Borat hates Uzbekistan.

Címkék: szcsb uzbekistan

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